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Conditions with Sensor Sensitivity That Can Be Treated with CBD

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Our bodies have five senses that allow us to experience the environment around us. When these senses become too sensitive, it makes it difficult for us to live healthy and happy lives. Sensory processing disorder (SPD) or sensory over-responsivity is a condition in which one’s senses become too sensitive to a stimulus [1] -- much like how a migraine patient has an abnormal sensitivity to lights and smells. It has been found that CBD is an effective treatment for this condition, which is what we will be discussing in this article. Here are the SPD conditions that can be treated with CBD:

Sensory Processing Disorder

SPD originates in the brain, as the sensory processing systems in a patient with the condition work differently than those without. One of the common treatments for SPD is sensory integration, a treatment that attempts to reconnect the appropriate response to a stimulus through guided response relearning. [2] It’s a controlled exposure to the stimulus which the patient is most sensitive to, and it’s done to desensitize the patient from that stimulus. This can be a traumatizing experience, especially if the individual’s sensitivity levels are high. It can take quite some time before the patient becomes desensitized to the stimulus.

CBD can be used in conjunction with the sensory integration treatment, allowing the patient to feel less stressed and disturbed by the stimulus. It makes the process more pleasant and manageable for the patient, allowing the treatment process to go by much more smoothly and quickly. There are several ways one can take CBD, including ingestive oils, capsules, creams, ointments, and even chewing gummies. This makes CBD treatment effective for people of any age.


Epilepsy is another common condition related to sensory sensitivity, and a common trigger is flashing lights. Additionally, a strong odor can also cause a patient with epilepsy to feel nauseated, making them more prone to acute seizures. CBD has been found to help reduce nausea [3] while also reducing the likelihood and the degree of the seizure. [4] The combination of CBD and THC is the most effective at this effect, and it will also help to protect the brain from seizure-related damage.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

It has been shown in many studies that autistic children suffer from SPD in some form [5], food selectivity being the most common. Children with autism often pick and choose their food based on their taste and smell. They also usually have a highly-sensitive gag reflex, which makes them even less willing to eat food that they don’t like. The combination of CBD and THC has been found to both reduce the sensitivity level and increase the appetite in the patient [6], making them more willing to consume food items that they may have avoided before.


As mentioned, patients with migraines are often sensitive to light and sound, and being exposed to them can cause the migraine to act out. [7] This can hinder one’s quality of life significantly, as it will be difficult to go out and enjoy things such as concerts, conventions, or even be in public. Although there are pills and drugs that the patient can take to help reduce the severity of the symptom, there are many downsides to this, and medications are often not an effective long-term solution. Much like the other conditions mentioned in this article, CBD can help to reduce the sensory sensitivity level along with the severity of the headache with no harmful side effects.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The combination of ADHD and SPD in children is a hectic one. Children with ADHD are more likely to throw aggressive tantrums, and the SPD will make them throw even more. Screaming, kicking, throwing, and breaking things are all common behaviors of any child, but they are more prevalent in those with ADHD. CBD can help to calm the nerves of the patient, reducing the frequency and the aggressiveness of the tantrums. [8] The combination of THC and CBD is an effective one, as THC is more effective at easing the mind, and CBD can help to control the psychoactive properties to the point where it’s almost non-existent.

As you can see, CBD is an effective treatment for SPD. If you or someone you love suffers from one of these conditions above, do consider talking to your doctor about including CBD in your treatment plan. If you’re looking for CBD products, Pharmacy CBD is your best option. Contact us today for more information.

For more information on where and how to get CBD in Spring, Texas visit our up-to-date guide, Click Here



1. “Subtypes of SPD.” Sensory Processing Disorder - STAR Institute,

2. Morin, Amanda. “Sensory Integration Therapy: What You Need to Know.”,

3. Parker, Linda A, et al. “Regulation of Nausea and Vomiting by Cannabinoids.” British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 163, no. 7, 2011, pp. 1411–1422., doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.01176.x.

4. Porter, Brenda E., and Catherine Jacobson. “Report of a Parent Survey of Cannabidiol-Enriched Cannabis Use in Pediatric Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy.” Epilepsy & Behavior, vol. 29, no. 3, 2013, pp. 574–577., doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2013.08.037.

5. Mccormick, Carolyn, et al. “Sensory Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Other Developmental Disorders and Typical Development: A Longitudinal Study.” Autism, vol. 20, no. 5, 2015, pp. 572–579., doi:10.1177/1362361315599755.

6. Kaplan, Josh. “Why Cannabis and CBD Offer Hope for Future Autism Treatments.” Leafly, 25 Jan. 2018,

7. “Migraines Caused By Light & Sound Sensitivity.” WebMD, WebMD,

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